This is just a small scene in a longer fic for these two that to be honest, I don't know if I'll ever finish. I'll give some context though: takes place time post-game, Pizza Head lives with Miel. They had a party to celebrate one of the character’s birthday or something idk :v
For more information about how I portray him + these two in general, you can read this post (it's long).
What I'll say clarify here is that 1) my full name for him is Basil Pizza Head Pecorino, and 2) Miel usually calls him Pip or by his first name.
After The Party
Noisette dusted off her hands after throwing out the trash into the dumpster, and grabbed the handle to go back inside with the others when she heard the restaurant’s front door open.
Oh, she knew that voice. That was Miel!
Noisette peeked around the corner, and she spotted Miel and Pizza Head in front of the restaurant, her friend approaching the man resting against the wall.
“Hey, doll!” he greeted her with his usual big smile. “Great party we had there, eh?”
“Certainly. I’m surprised everyone managed to behave.”
“And I’m surprised that the weird, frog guy was the first one to fall asleep!”
Miel giggled. “Poor Bruno, he could barely keep his eyes open.”
There was a comfortable silence between them after those words. Noisette noticed her friend lightly scooted closer to him as the duo looked up at the stars above, sometimes covered by passing clouds. There was the muffled sound of the others inside the restaurant, talking.
It wasn’t exactly the quietest of conversations, which was to be expected when you had an italian man and a british guy in the same room. If Noisette paid attention, she could hear Peppino’s hand gestures.
Miel looked up at him. “Pip?”
Likewise, Pizza Head looked down at her. “Hmm?”
“Thank you for helping with the party, and also for not being bitter towards Peppino for what happened in the tower.”
Pizza Head’s smile grew. “Well, I can’t exactly blame the guy for what he did. I did have a laser threatening his whole life! I’d not be happy ‘bout that either, hah!” The guy didn’t look resentful, that’s for sure.
“And then I came along, angry as well,” she added with an amused smile.
“And then you came along....” his usual demeanor faltered for a moment as he held her hand and caressed her knuckles with a dopey smile on his face. “That was just a lucky break for me, doll.”
Noisette watched as the lanky man wrapped his free, gloved hand around her friend’s waist. Her firm grasp on the brick wall tightened when she noticed that her friend didn’t reject the gesture, although her face did redden.
“I...” she looked everywhere but at him. “... I also wanna thank you for helping me with the house, fixing things and whatnot.”
“Wow! Now, wait a minute!” he said with a raised eyebrow, half-laughing. “This is the guy who builds things that break down all the time, remember?”
“No, no, no! I like your gadgets!” She held up a placating hand. “... Well, maybe you could use some, erm.... friendly feedback during development.”
Pizza Head laughed. “I’d not mind! If you’re applying for the job.”
Noisette’s grasp on the wall was so strong that it looked like she was going to shatter the old bricks at any moment.
Pizza Head tilted his head quizzically as he leaned in closer to Miel’s face. “I’ve never seen you this close before! You got pretty eyes. Sweet as honey.”
A look of surprise crossed her face. He backed away with an awkward laugh.
“Sorry, doll. That was pretty corny, huh?”
Miel shook her head. “Not at all. Anyone would like a sweet compliment like that.” Then she booped his big nose with a smirk (which earned a little honk). “And you have pretty eyes too.”
Pizza Head gasped loudly, mocking offense. “You can’t use my own nice words against me! This isn’t UNO!”
Miel laughed. “Well, I’ll do it again! You have pretty eyes and your smile is radiant!” she said with another boop to his nose (which earned another honk).
Pizza Head looked down at her with feigned hurt, acting as he had been stabbed in the heart. “Noooooooo! You’re cheating!!!”
Miel bursted into a fit of laughter, unable to contain it after the silly display. Pizza Head started laughing cheesily not long afterwards, infected by the sound of her dorky laugh. It felt good to see her this happy, and knowing he was the cause of it.
When her bout of laughter calmed down, she spoke again. “I’ll have to do this often, then. Maybe you won’t compliment me as much that way.”
Pizza Head’s smile dropped a bit, as well as Noisette’s, who was still watching from the corner.
He hung his head in defeat. “Guess I’ll just have to learn to live with it.” Promptly he looked down at her back with that energetic glimmer in his eye. “Though I know a way of silencing you!”
“Oh, really? How so, smart guy? Gonna make me laugh with your overacting to death?”
He stopped and tapped his chin in thought. He wasn’t convincing anybody with that. “Tempting! But I had something else in mind.... ”
Noisette watched attentively as Pizza Head cupped Miel’s cheeks and leaned over. She noticed her friend was closing the distance as well, standing on her tip toes.
Their faces were only inches apart. However, the sound of a familiar voice calling for Miel made them quickly break apart from of each other, both of their faces red as tomatoes.
“Miel!” Peppino called from inside the restaurant. “Come here, I need your help with something!”
“Ah,” Miel cleared her throat. “Sure, I’ll be right there!”
Pizza Head laughed awkwardly once again. “I’ll, uh—Gonna go back home, doll. Feelin that tower fatigue creeping in.”
“Oh..... sure. Do you need me to go with you?”
“I’ll be fine, doll! You go help the big guy.”
She looked at the restaurant, then back to Pizza Head (who gave her a toothy thumps up), back to the building then back to her roommate.
Miel sighed. “Very well. I won’t take long.” Then she stood on her tip toes again, and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. “Good night, Pip.”
“Good night, Miel.”
Miel kept looking back at him as she went to help her anxious friend, waving goodbye at the lanky man before she went back inside. Noisette sadly watched as he waved back and promptly sighed before he turned around and made his way back home, touching the cheek where he was kissed.
So no kiss? -breaks phone-