Astrale Stella & Company

Another WIP that will never be finished, meant to be shared on my birthday (31/10) last year. But I lost motivation along the way.

This was based on a AU concept I had for these two. Alas I didn't know how to develop it. Now it's more of a Star Man dreams of his beloved cause he's very in love.

And The Stars Were Shining

The Knight of Starred Armor, also known as Star Man by many, sat on a flat rock with a heavy sigh. He did needn't to breath, yet he was out of breath as his eyes looked up at the clear sky. No matter how many times he checked the sparkling firmament above him, he was having trouble finding his way on this mountain. Certainly, the Knight found it was easier to navigate in outer space. But it was imperative that he arrived to his destination. It couldn't be that difficult to find a building on a snowy mountain peak.

He looked at the landscape around him. Only the quiet mountain and the stars as far as his eyes could discern. Another sigh left him, and his eyes looked up. Just a clue as to where I must go. Please...

♪ E lucevan le stelle,

ed olezzava la terra

Stridea l'uscio dell'orto,

e un passo sfiorava la rena...

The Knight snapped back to attention. Someone was singing! If he was able to hear it, that meant they weren't far away. After all, who would be singing out here on this cold, Autumn night? Wandering lost souls, perhaps. He wished to not join them. His feet were moving before the Knight had fully realized and he rushed towards the sound.

♪ Entrava ella fragrante,

mi cadea fra le braccia.

This song... yes, he knew this song. He heard it before. It was an aria. Big lover of operas that he was, it didn't take him long to recognize it. Originally, it was sung by a man in love. Perhaps that is why he enjoyed the bittersweet melody anyway. The Knight of Starred Armor was a man in love with the universe.

♪ Oh! dolci baci, o languide carezze,

mentr'io fremente

le belle forme disciogliea dai veli.

As he drew closer, the voice became louder, the sound sweeter than honey itself. As he climbed the hill, he finally discovered the source of the voice sitting on the windowsill: Circinus. His Angel of Starred Crown.

Perhaps it was the moonlight casting down on her figure or the snow gently falling down, but she looked ethereal. Her red halo glowed in the night like a beacon of hope as her voice rang out clearly. At the sight of Circinus, the Knight felt a wave of happiness rush over him and suddenly there was no mountain, nor snow. In that moment, it was only him and his dearest person. The Knight and the Angel.

He felt a tinge of disappointment when she stopped singing, but be that as it may, his heart fluttered as her eyes met his. She blinked in surprise as a brief silence lingered between them.

“Happy birthday,” he said.

Circinus got off the window sill and ran towards him, launching herself at the Knight and holding him tightly. He almost fell back, but he embraced her back with a smile on his face.

“You actually came.”

“Of course! I could never miss such an important day.”

“But aren't you cold?” she inquired.

“The thought of you kept me warm,” he said, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. A chuckle left him when he noticed her eyes looking away from him. How cute.

The Knight of Starred Armor put her arms around his neck and, with no effort, picked her up and guided the two of them back to her residence as he carried her like a princess. Or a bride. Circinus complained, saying she could walk just fine, but he paid no mind to her words. He missed her greatly, and he was going to enjoy her touch as much as he could.

He finally set her down when they were back inside her humble abode, sheltered from the cold.

“Please, get comfortable,” she said. “I'll get us some tea.”

“Ah, please! Let me help you.”

Circinus quickly shook her head. “No, no. It's my birthday, and you are my guest. You will do as I say.”

“But, my love-”

Circinus simply turned around and didn't pay attention to any of his suggestions or pleas to help her.

Entering her kitchen, Circinus brewed the two of them some tea as the Knight sat down at the table with a defeated sigh. Circinus’ home looked almost the same as he remembered. The only exception was the suncatcher, which looked like the a crescent moon, hanging in the window she was sitting on earlier. He smiled to himself as he kept marveling at it. That was a gift he gave to her last time they met. He was happy to know she liked it after all.

Circinus came back with two ceramic mugs, both of them were simple pastel colors (yellow and pink) with their handles shaped like a heart. The couple conversed for a while, making comfortable small talk and simply enjoying being in one another’s company again. However, despite the cozy atmosphere, the Knight noticed a change in behavior in Circinus. She seemed... distracted. How unusual.

One of his hands reached to cup her cheek. “Circi? Are you alright?”

Circinus leaned on that hand. “What do you mean?”

“You seem distracted. Are you tired?” his thumb rubbed circles over her cheek gently. “If you need to rest, feel free to do. I'm not going anywhere.”

“I appreciate your concern, but I don't need to recharge,” she replied.

“Yet there's something bothering you.”

Bothering is not exactly the word...” she sighed. “Star Man, do you remember about the proposal you made to me?”

“The proposal...” he hummed, pausing for a moment. “About exploring space together?”

She nodded. “I've been thinking about it since then.”

The Knight visibly perked up, getting closer. His hands were now on top of her own, squeezing gently. It was going to be a long night.

The song is called E lucevan le stella from Tosca, for anyone curious about it. A beautiful song, albeit bittersweet when you learn the context.

It's stated than Star Man enjoys watching operas, so I thought that inserting an aria as the song Circinus sings in the dream was fitting!

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