Before You Continue

The following page contains works with adult content. It should not be viewed by minors at all. I don't care what your country laws might say or if you think you are 'mature for your age', you must be 18 or older to access the following page.
If you are a minor or an adult not comfortable with content of that caliber, I'll tell you to click away. There's a lot of stuff I've made that is more audience-friendly.
If you proceed, I will assume you are a person that has read and understood the message :]
[Go back] ◈ [Proceed]
... The above message is what I'd be telling you to read. If there actually was a +18 section. I mean, you probably noticed there is no actual link to proceed forward. Maybe someday, but that day is NOT today. Despite what you might think, I don't make much NSFW content. Fun to see, though!
That said, if that day comes, I do expect responsability from your part. I can't tell you what to do. And I'm not gonna babysit people online, so what you do at the end of the day is your choice. Use your brain, yes? For me, my liege.