Sometimes I have Thougths(tm) and Opinions(tm) that I like sharing :]

Sub noctem

Date: 09/03/2024 16:28 CET

Track: Last Knight - Mr. Asyu

Still on it

Revamping this page has given me enough motivation(?) to also change the covers page (where the FNF beep bops are).

There isn't anything wrong with the current one, but I just think it feels too samey to the rest of the site. I don't know! I'm tired of seeing it.

That said, this bitch is taking longer than it did on the page you're right now. It's still simple (I like it simple), but I need to manually put each audio in order to fit in the new one. And if you've been on the VS Yomiel page, you'll notice there are quite a handful of audios in there lol. The things I do for no one but myself.

Date: 06/03/2024 16:42 CET

Track: Lazer Pink - Sunset Neon

New blog

Yeah, I decided to change the blog page completely. I just felt like the old one took too much space. So screw it, back to old school. Included with fucking 100x100 icons and comic sans, we really Livejournaling it in this bitch (← this user has never used that website).

I love tiny details like that. God, we really need to bring forums back to popularity.

I don't know if I'll write more entries like this, but the change has been done lol
